Here is RealRate’s 2023 ranking for German Risk Insurance, sorted by financial strength.
The Top 8 Risk Insurance companies are as follows:

The top 3 Risk Insurance companies in order are Delta Direkt Leben, Dialog Leben, and Deutsche Lebensversicherungs-AG.
They had Economic Capital Ratio figures of 49%, 42%, and 22%, respectively.
Delta Direkt Leben did well due to Future Shareholder Profits and Dialog Leben and Deutsche Lebensversicherungs-AG did well due to Risk and Other Result.
Delta Direkt Leben has been at the top of the tree of German Risk insurers for the 4th year running now, as has Dialog Leben in 2nd spot. Similarly, Deutsche Lebensversicherungs-AG has been 3rd, 4th, 3rd, and 3rd in the last 4 years.
From a total of 8 Risk Insurance companies, 2 received our ‘Top Rated’ award.


There are currently around 8 million active term life insurance policies and over €4 billion in annual premiums are paid.
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