The results for RealRate’s 2023 ranking for U.S. Pharma are now available and ranked by financial strength!
The Top 10 Pharma companies are as follows:

The top 5 Pharma companies in order are Theravance Biopharma Inc., Chimerix Inc., Ocuphire Pharma Inc., Kiniksa Pharmaceuticals Ltd., and Zomedica Corp.
They had Economic Capital Ratio figures of 587%, 407%, 377%, 331%, and 303%, respectively.
Theravance Biopharma, Chimerix, Ocuphire Pharma, and Kiniksa Pharmaceuticals did well due to the variable Net Income, and Zomedica did well due to the superior Current Liabilities variable.
This increased the companies’ Economic Capital Ratio scores by 402%, 213%, 168%, 137%, and 60%, respectively.
Theravance Biopharma climbed 191 places since last year to take the top spot. Chimerix climbed 127 places and Kiniksa climbed 98 places. Ocuphire and Zomedica are new to the list this year.
From a total of 446 Pharma companies, 111 received our ‘Top Rated’ award.


The next 20 Pharma companies are as follows:

The U.S. pharmaceutical industry is a powerhouse, generating billions in revenue annually. With a diverse landscape of companies, including giants like Pfizer, Merck, and Johnson & Johnson, it is a key player in global healthcare.
In 2021, the industry’s revenue exceeded $500 billion, illustrating its immense economic significance.
In 2022, an especially profitable year for pharma, the eight biggest US pharmaceutical companies reported profits of $10 billion domestically on revenue of $214 billion.
The impressive thing we do at RealRate is to deliver utterly fair and independent company ratings, bringing together expert knowledge and innovative artificial intelligence in one package.
Our AI model computes the all-important Economic Capital Ratio figure.
Looking at our model in more detail, one can see it is very much unbiased and only uses audited public data. We are not part of any pharmaceutical company.
We are fair, explain ourselves very well and we also avoid any all-important conflicts of interest.
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