The Best Financially Performing Consulting Companies: Ranked by RealRate’s Groundbreaking AI

The results for RealRate’s 2024 ranking for the U.S. Consulting Industry are ranked by financial strength. 

The Top 10 Consulting Companies are as follows:  



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The first 6 companies in the U.S. consulting industry are ranked as Top-Rated companies for 2024, as shown in the figure above.


The Top-Rated Badge signifies that a company has achieved an exceptional level of performance, as validated by RealRate’s explainable AI technology. This rating reflects a company’s accuracy, transparency, and excellence in key metrics relevant to its industry.


It provides a clear and trustworthy answer to why the company earned this distinction, which can build credibility, instill customer confidence, and differentiate the company from competitors. This top-rated badge serves as a powerful tool to showcase their company’s excellence and trustworthiness to stakeholders.

The Top 3 consulting companies are as follows: 



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The top 3 U.S. consulting companies are in the following order: Pharma Bio Serv Inc., Lightbridge Corp., and RMR Group Inc.

They had Economic Capital Ratio figures of 232.19%, 231.43%, and 231.42%, respectively. These are far above the market average of 2.2%.


Pharma Bio Serv’s greatest strength is “other revenues”, which is far above the industry average, increasing its economic capital ratio by 171 percentage points. Their total revenues advantage increased even further with respect to last year. Last but not least, their Stockholder Equity, a key metric in assessing a company’s financial health, is significantly higher than most of the competitors in the industry in 2024. All of these improvements led to the growth in Economic Capital Ratio, making the company perform one place bettséer than in 2023 and achieve 1st place in 2024. They climbed up one ranking position. 


For Lightbridge Corp., we find that their greatest strength comes from “Current Assets” which are far above the industry average, increasing its economic capital ratio score by 339 percentage points. Furthermore,  their liabilities rate is performing better than the average which made a great result in shareholder Equity, leading to a 231% economic capital ratio. These factors made Lightbridge become the 2nd top rated company in the Consulting industry in 2024,  after not being featured in 2023’s ranking. 


For RMR Group Inc., their greatest strength is revenue from contracts with customers,  increasing its economic capital ratio score by 237 percentage points. Their total revenue became significantly better than in 2023, which led to a considerable growth in comprehensive net income. Also, their liabilities are significantly better than the industry average. Due to these factors, the company achieved 3rd place in the US consulting industry for 2024, climbing  from the 4th place in 2023. 


The U.S. consulting industry is a significant player in the global consulting market, with an estimated 27% global market share, reflecting its critical role in consulting services worldwide. The U.S. consulting market reached approximately $90 billion in revenue in 2024, contributing the majority of the North American consulting industry’s earnings. This market is growing, with increased investments and the sector is projected to grow at an average annual rate of approximately 4-5%. 


RealRate brings  a rating system to the market that is truly independent and fair.

We have expert knowledge and use innovative AI to compute the Economic Capital Ratio figure. They are unbiased and are able to provide explanations on their rating results with no conflict of interest.

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