The Most Brilliant U.S. Programming Companies: Ranked by RealRate’s Brilliant AI

The results for RealRate’s 2024 ranking for the U.S. Programming industry are in and are ranked, as always, by financial strength!


The Top 10 Programming companies are as follows:



The top 3 Programming companies in order are Aspen Technology Inc., Match Group Inc., and IAC Inc..


They had Economic Capital Ratio figures of 453%, 402%, and 401%, respectively.


All 3 companies did well due to strong Current Liabilities variables. These increased the companies’ Economic Capital Ratio scores by 112, 152, and 136 percentage points, respectively.


Aspen Technology moved up 1 place from last year’s 2nd spot, Match Group moved up 5 spaces, and IAC also 5 spaces. Congratulations to all 3 companies!


From a total of 72 Programming companies, 18 received our sought after ‘Top-Rated’ award.




The next 10 Programming companies are as follows:


The U.S. programming industry is a major economic driver, with software and IT services generating over $489.2 billion in 2023.


The sector has grown at a 6.0% annual rate, expected to reach $510.8 billion by 2025, fueled by demand for AI, cloud computing, and cybersecurity solutions.



RealRate brings to the market a rating system that is truly independent and fair.


We have expert knowledge and use innovative artificial intelligence to compute the Economic Capital Ratio figure.


We are unbiased and work only with audited public data. We are not only fair but also explainable and have no conflicts of interest.


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