2024 U.S. Programming Coming Soon!

RealRate is excited to announce that the new 2024 U.S. Programming rating is coming soon!


Last year’s ranking of 70 companies can be found here:



In 2023, the top 3 Programming companies in the U.S., measured by Economic Capital Ratio, were as follows:


  2. MATCH GROUP INC. – 412%
  3. MICROALGO INC. – 405%

17 companies received our Top-Rated award in 2023; we look forward to see what 2024 will have in store for the industry!


RealRate brings to the market a rating system that is truly independent and fair.


We have expert knowledge and use innovative artificial intelligence to compute the Economic Capital Ratio figure.


We are unbiased and work only with audited public data. We are not only fair but also explainable and have no conflicts of interest.

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